Plastic Surgery Clinic | Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery or Repaired Surgery is the specialty in charge of returning the shape and function to any affected part of the body, caused by disease, accident or congenital abnormality. Its main goal is related not only to beauty, but mainly functional.
Surgery of Mammary Reconstruction
Hand Surgery is performed because of several causes related to injuries of diverse origins that affect the correct function of the hand. A patient can require several surgical interventions to reestablish the function and appearance of the hand as close as possible to normality.
The bony loss in the jaw structure can have consequences of great importance in the breathing and nutrition of the patient. The maxillofacial surgery treats the problems of the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and face.
Orthornagtic- The Orthornagtic Surgery specializes in the alterations in the proportion of the jaw with the maxillae.
Facial fractures - it is called a maxillofacial fracture to the injuries of the bone of the top jaw or of the face.
In Salutaris, we want you to feel good and to take care of your health. Next we give you important information so you can protect your loved ones.
Prevention: We all are exposed to burns for several causes as the related ones to accidents in which it involves fire, electricity, radiation, chemical substances or for freezing. The population most inclined to suffer burns are the five-year-old minor children, being the principal cause the hot liquids at home, specifically the kitchen and the bath, according to information of the Secretariat of Health to federal level. It's because of it that is recommended to supervise the minors in these areas of the house and to keep away dangerous substances.
What to do in case of burn? If you are near the scene we suggest you to guarantee the safety of the victim; if it is burning in flames stop, throw or roll the patient or extinguish with a blanket; if the reason is an electrical unload disconnect the source of energy; withdraw clothes and jewelry; it is important that if the burn is caused by some chemical agent and you do not know, do not try to rinse it since some substances react to the water and the burn might be major. These are some general recommendations; remember that a professional must attend later to the injuries of the affected one.
Treatments and Surgery: If you or some acquaintance have suffered some burn, attend a doctor immediately, he will evaluate the injury and will treat the affected area. According to the depth, extension and location of the injury he might use some hackneyed treatment and cover the area with bandage. During his treatment, the doctor will monitor several aspects related to the alteration of the functions of the skin, like the temperature, to protect of infections. Later if the degree of the burn needs it, it might be controlled surgically to restore the function and aspect of the affected part.
Sequels- the sequels are directly related to the degree of the burn. In some cases there can be scars and in others to compromise the function of some organ or the mobility of any part of the body.
The car accidents, falls, blows of diverse types can have consequences in our health. The most common are sprains, fractures, bruises, but also they can develop more serious problems as damage in skin, ligaments, muscle and bones that imply a more important intervention to recover their normal condition.
The birth malformations are an important occupation for the reconstructive surgery. Besides having impact in the function or image of the patient, they are an important factor in self-esteem and healthy development. Come to Salutaris and receive the opportunity of looking and feeling well.
Congenital Hand- the deformities in the hand are due to some deficiency in the development of the baby before being born. One of the most common is the non-existent separation between the parts of the hand, like the fingers. In other cases the deformity is caused by the lack of growth of some bone and some other factors.
Cleft lip and Palate- During the fetal development can happen that the tissues of the mouth or lip do not form correctly. The cracks in palate take place in one of every 700 to 1000 births, there is for it one of the most common congenital deformities, mostly in Latin America. The treatment is surgical and can begin approximately to 18 months of life.
Microtias - Microtia means small ear. It happens when the ear did not develop correctly in size and form. According to the valuation of the surgeon he can realize several types of interventions in which it is possible to use bone of the same patient to re-do the structure or use a prosthesis.
Hypertriphoc scars are fibrous and elevated, the keloid scars have pink color hue, and the skin seems thinner and has irregular forms. The surgery can consist of withdrawing the scar and to help to the process of cicatrisation with medicines or to place a hanging tatter, skin of the same patient.
Thanks to the technological advance it is possible to realize the repair of nerves and blood glasses by means of to the magnification with specialized equipment. It is used in the reimplant of fingers, revascularization between others. It has great benefits since it assures better results due to the detailed intervention of the affected zone.